Hacking the i3 battery modules connectors – part 1

In order to connect my BMS to the i3 BMW batteryI'll have to resource to a few hacks. 

I am going to opt for keeping the original connectors so I'll be able to plug them in and off easily.

I have designed a male connector to plug exactly to the original BMW wiring. 
I have remapped all the sensors and monitoring wiring so I can easily link any BMS or swap batteries around.

Here a few pics of the process. 

  • 3D design
  • 3D printing
  • Mapping wires
  • Rewire (todo) I'll keep you posted

The white connectors are printed in ABS and are the final version, the other ones are prototypes that were printed in PLA.
ABS is better suited for electrical applications, although the printing requires ventilation as the fumes released in the printing process for this material are toxic.

