Experimenting with on-board charger

 Looking for a solution to the on-board charger unit.

I have now found a very good offer, an Elcon 3.3 Kw. I may give it a go and see If this could work.

I need to figure out a few technicalities as for instance, would it work with my BMS?

Here is the unboxing. 
You can see 4 leads coming out from it. 
  1. Inlet (plug is a dj7031-4.8-11)
  2. Outlet (this is an Anderson connector)
  3. Can-H, Can-L, Positive 12V, Negative (Plug is a superseal connector)
  4. 3 wires, I guess here one is temperature probe, another if for led batteries and the last is and Enable for non CAN set up. (the two plugs on mine are both superseal connectors one 1 way the other 2 way)
Do leave comments if you know more about the cabling.

To be continued

